
Dr. Mu-Yen Chen

Department of Information Management,
National Taichung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
Editor in Chief, International Journal of Big Data and Analytics in Healthcare
Associate Editor, IEEE Access
Associate Editor, Journal of Granular Computing
Associate Editor, Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering
Associate Editor, Human-centric Computing

Dr. Chen is a Professor of Department of Information Management at National Taichung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.His current research interests include artificial intelligent, soft computing, bio-inspired computing, financial engineering, and data mining. Dr. Chen’s research is published or is forthcoming in Information Sciences, Applied Soft Computing, Neuro computing, Neural Computing and Applications, Journal of Educational Technology & Society, Journal of Information Science,The Electronic Library,Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Quantitative Finance, Expert Systems with Applications, Soft Computing, and a number of national and international conference proceedings.He has served as Editor in Chief and Associate Editor of international journals [e.g. International Journal of Big Data and Analytics in Healthcare,IEEE Access, Journal of Information Processing Systems, International Journal of Social and Humanistic Computing] while he is an editorial board member on several SCI journals.


Dr. M.G. Sumithra

Professor and Head,
Electronics and Communication Engineering,
KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Coimbatore,Tamil Nadu, India

Dr. M. G. Sumithra, serves as Professor and Head in Electronics and Communication Engineering, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology. Coimbatore, TamilNadu, India. She obtained BE(Electronics and Comm. Engg.) from Govt. College of Engineering, Salem, India in 1994, received M.E.(Medical Electronics) from College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University Chennai, India in 2001 and received PhD( Information and Communication Engineering) Anna University Chennai, India in 2011. Her areas of interest include Big Data, Signal Processing, Medical Image Processing, Biomedical Engineering and Wireless Communications. She has published 55 technical papers in refereed journals, 124 research papers in national and International conferences in India and abroad. She is an active member invarious professional societies like ISTE, IEEE, IAENG, IACSIT, IET,  IEEE Nanotechnology Council, IEEE Biometrics Council IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee, Cloud Computing Community, Green ICT Community and Fellow in IETE, India Bio-Design. She has been contributing herself as a reviewer for 10 refereed journals which includes Springer Journal of Signal, Image and Video Processing, IEEE Communication Letters, Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing (CSSP), Signal & Image Processing: An International Journal (SIPIJ), Journal of Engineering Science & Technology (JESTEC) etc.