December 12-13, 2019 in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
Call for Papers
Scalability and dynamics are two major challenges in visual analytics. Visualization systems must contend with unstructured data forms such as graphs, tables, text, trees, and other metadata. Big data often has unstructured formats. Due to bandwidth limitations and power requirements, visualization should move closer to the data to extract meaningful information efficiently. The organization is used to investigate the existing techniques for visualization that need careful attention and investigation as proposed by several academic and industry groups. An intangible model for Big data Visualization and Analytics been projected along with discussion on future
research directions.
The aim of this workshop is to present the most recent challenges and developments in ‘Big data Visualization and Analytics’ from the perspective of providing awareness and its best practices for the real world. This workshop is open to submit high quality contributions from wide range of professions including scholars, researchers, academicians and Industry people. Original papers and state of the art reviews will be accepted.
Scope and Topics
The workshop aims to provide the discussion of following topics not limited to:
- Big Algorithms and Software Infrastructures
- Meeting the need for speed
- Classification of visualization methods
- Understanding the Big data visualization
- High-Performance Initiative and Big Applications
- Big Architecture and System Design
- Data Search and Representation
- Future Advancements
Paper Submissions
Authors are invited to submit full papers to the workshop. Full papers must be submitted through the workshop submission site. Full papers should not exceed six pages in Springer conference format. This limit includes figures, tables, and references.
All accepted and presented papers will be published by Springer and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library.
BDCC 2019 proceedings are indexed in leading indexing services, including Ei Compendex, Scopus, CrossRef, Google Scholar, DBLP, as well as EAI’s own EU Digital Library (EUDL).
Submission deadline
21 October 2019
Notification deadline
31 October 2019
Camera-ready deadline
18 November 2019
Workshop day
12 December 2019
Submission Guidelines:
Papers should be submitted through EAI ‘ Confy ’ system and have to comply with the Springer format (see Author’s kit section).
How do I submit a paper in Confy?
1. Go to Confy website
2. Login or sign up as new user
3. Scroll the list of conferences open for submission
4. Select BDCC 2019 and navigate to the Workshop track
5. Click the ‘submit a paper’ link and follow the instructions
Submission guidelines
Papers should be in English. Regular papers should be up to 6 pages in length. Previously published work may not be submitted, nor may the work be concurrently submitted to any other conference or journal. Such papers will be rejected without review. The paper submissions must follow the SPRINGER formatting guidelines (see Author’s kit section). Read the Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement.
Workshop Chair
If you have questions about workshop for BDCC 2019, please contact the Workshop Chair: Prof. K. Aravindhan – [email protected]